Bharat Voyage - Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

Welcome to Bharat Voyage, your trusted travel companion for seamless experiences. By using our website or making inquiries, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined below. Please read them carefully.

2. Inquiry and Booking Process

2.1 Inquiry Process Bharat Voyage operates as an inquiry-based platform. Customers can submit inquiries for hotel bookings, tour packages, and ticket reservations without providing payment details. The inquiry form must be completed with accurate and up-to-date information to ensure a smooth communication process.

2.2 Communication

Once an inquiry is submitted, our team will reach out to the customer via the provided contact information to discuss details and preferences. The communication process aims to tailor the travel experience to meet the customer's needs.

3. Pricing and Availability

All prices quoted during the inquiry process are subject to availability and may change based on factors such as seasonal variations, special events, and accommodation availability. Bharat Voyage reserves the right to modify prices and itineraries as necessary. Customers will be informed of any changes during the communication process.

4. Confirmation and Reservation

Final confirmation of bookings and reservations will be made only after detailed discussions between the customer and Bharat Voyage. This includes itinerary details, accommodation preferences, and any special requests. Reservation details will be provided to the customer for review and confirmation.

5. Payment

Bharat Voyage operates on an inquiry-based model and does not collect payment information through the website. Payments will be discussed and arranged directly with the customer during the communication and confirmation process. Any payment-related information will be handled securely and in compliance with applicable laws.

6. Cancellation and Refund

Cancellation policies vary based on the specific services booked. Details of cancellation policies will be communicated during the inquiry and confirmation process. Refunds, if applicable, will be processed in accordance with the agreed-upon cancellation policies.

7. Privacy

Bharat Voyage respects customer privacy. Personal information collected during the inquiry process will be used solely for the purpose of arranging travel services and will not be shared with third parties without consent. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, please contact us at Thank you for choosing Bharat Voyage for your travel needs!